The Paradise Hammock at Au Poye Park-joanna chaddie

Paradise hammock I lay in that hammock at Au Poye Park , Tired from successfully conquering Gros piton. Ohh what a sight to sore eyes; The view of that magnificent mountain which is considered as one of the best tourist attraction sites in St.Lucia. The coolness of the breeze that blew , The chirping Melody which the birds made, Even the swaying of coconut and fruit trees and the sounds of small creatures was something to be amazed at. Watching lizards navigate through the dried khus khus grass which they used to beautify the roof of the small hut . I imagined the tiny Legs of a lizard running along my arm!!! How creepy that would feel. This sent a shiver through my body; Ohh how I should have deleted that thought just so I could stay one last moment at AU Poye Park.. It was me who threatened my inner self! It was me who limited my time on this paradise hammock! And it was me who made the thought of a creepy lizard scare me into getting off that hammock! Although that happened I still feel glad to say that the time spent at this Park was worth it. By Joanna chaddie. St.lucia West Indies

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